LeTendre Education Fund Scholarship

June 19, 2015
Maximum Award: 
Other, see comments
You must be under the age of 21 and have experienced homelessness

If you are homeless or have been homeless* anytime from Kindergarten through high school you may be eligible for this scholarship (you do not need to be homeless now).  You must have shown a desire to further your education while homeless and have demonstrated higher than average academic achievement.

The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth sponsors this scholarship and it is named after André LeTendre who was especially committed to helping children in homeless situations.

You must not have reached your 21st birthday or completed more than one year of college to be eligible.

* According to federal law, if you “lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence” you are considered homeless. It includes those people living in shelters, cars, motels, campgrounds, or places not meant for human habitation, as well as children and youth who are living with friends or relatives temporarily because they lack permanent housing.

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