2016 ASMF "Sleep Story" High School Video Contest

February 29, 2016
Maximum Award: 
All high school students

The American Sleep Medicine Foundation is issuing a nationwide creative challenge to young filmmakers: Tell a sleep story to help them shine a light on the effects of sleep problems.

You can win $500 for you and $500 for your school. The best videos will be used to educate the public about sleep.

To enter, create a video (must be between 30 seconds and two minutes in length) showing the effects of sleep illness. All material submitted must be original work created solely for submission in this contest.


The Contest is open to any individual who is enrolled in high school in the United States at the time of entry.


  • Appropriateness of message
  • Relevance of the message to sleep medicine today
  • Originality
  • Accuracy of message content
  • Overall quality of video