2016 APA TOPSS Competition for High School Psychology Students

March 16, 2016
Maximum Award: 
All high school students
You must be presently enrolled in a high school psychology course.

For the 2016 APA TOPSS Competition for High School Psychology Students, you must write a composition (3,000 words maximum).

2016 Essay Topic:

News events of the last few years have highlighted the problems with racial bias in many areas of society, including the criminal justice system. While the conscious, overt racism of the past continues to be a problem, today we understand that racial biases sometimes show up even in ways in which we are unaware, resulting in unintentional but damaging inequalities in many areas of society. All individuals and social institutions are vulnerable to these problems, but the consequences of racial bias in the criminal justice system are particularly severe.


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  • Be high school students.
  • Complete the project individually, not in teams or groups.
  • Have been enrolled, or be presently enrolled, in a high school psychology course. No more than five entries per school will be accepted.